Connecting the Dots w/Dan Happel
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023
Thursday Dec 14, 2023 has slumbered in cognitive acceptance while globalists and Marxist technocrats plan our defeat. Will we awaken in time?
Ending ownership of property is the final stage of socialism as we lose our few remaining rights as individuals and succumb to the collectivist mindset that permeates our culture, our media, academia and government.
Ignoring open conspiracies right in front of your lying eyes has become the cognitive dissonance SOP that own the WOKE cancel cultures of generations X, Y, & Z.
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Restoring Intellectual Freedom
Thursday Nov 30, 2023
Thursday Nov 30, 2023 our academic excellence will not be easy, but we have so many tools available today if we choose to use them. Parents have to choose a different path for their children than business as usual and trust in a system that is clearly failing to meet the academic standards of a modern free market advanced society.
Our future as a sovereign republic depends on us to set new standards for our children and grandchildren in a world of uniformity and groupthink!
Are we committed to the task and willing to risk being labeled as domestic extremists by the FBI for protecting our children from Marxist ideologues? I certainly hope so!
American Universities have been transformed from institutions of classical liberal education to become incubators of Marxist indoctrination through a very deliberate process of infiltration and gradualism.
Subsequently, universities have become hotbeds of radical societal transformation that place academic standards secondary to social justice, global citizenship, sustainability, and environmental justice groupthink. Critical thinkers need not apply here!
The “fundamental transformation” of education did not stop at the university level. Modern K-12 public education emphasizes Soviet style work skills training and consensus, not intellectual excellence and personal achievement.
Guest: Peter W. Wood has served as president of the National Association of Scholars (NAS) since 2009. He was associate professor of anthropology at Boston University, where he also served as the president’s chief of staff; and he served as provost of The King’s College (NYC).
He is editor-in-chief of the journal Academic Questions. In 2019, he received the Jeane Kirkpatrick Prize for contributions to academic freedom.
He is editor-in-chief of NAS’s quarterly, Academic Questions, and writes frequently for Spectator World, The New Criterion, The Claremont Review of Books, American Greatness, and other publications. His topics include intellectual freedom, wokeness in higher education, the DEI movement, climate hysteria, and American culture.
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Interview with Mikki Willis ~ Plandemic 3 ~ The Great Awakening
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Sunday Aug 27, 2023
Watch Plandemic 3:
The Great Awakening is the third installment of the Plandemic series. This documentary experience assembles forbidden puzzle pieces to reveal the big picture of what’s really happening in America and beyond. The Great Awakening is intended to be a lighthouse to guide us out of the storm and into a brighter future.
Monday Mar 13, 2023
The Transition From Egalitarian Systems of Government to Tribalism
Monday Mar 13, 2023
Monday Mar 13, 2023
On all fronts, Western European egalitarian systems of government are under attack as being the source of slavery, tyranny and inequity, but is this criticism legitimate?
The saying goes that "misery loves company" and it is no less true that "failure resents success", especially by those living in a zero-sum Marxist paradigm that cannot comprehend the win-win outcomes typical of laissez-faire economic systems.
Forcibly taking from hard working entrepreneurs willing to sacrifice and take risk to reward those unwilling to do either, is not only unfair, it will destroy incentives to improve and innovate; harming the whole society.
A perfect example of this dynamic is the economic decline of South Africa with the end of apartheid and the takeover by the communist backed ANC. Under communism, South Africa has declined economically as the advanced industrial society is looted, decays, and collapses under the weight of repressive central planning and leaders that don't have a clue how free market economies work.
Full Show Notes:
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
Saturday Mar 04, 2023
World Economic Forum acolytes are deadly serious about transforming the human race and will do anything to accomplish the task.
This vision of world government allows a handful of the most powerful international financiers to own and control all the world's resources, utilizing a spoiles system to reward the useful idiots of the political and administrative class supervising their global estate.
The World Economic Forum that meets yearly in Davos Switzerland, is widely recognized by the global elite as the brain trust for future and current international leaders. For decades it has produced highly recognized "Young Global Leaders" through WEF sponsored training programs. These YGL graduates now sit in some of the highest leadership positions in the world of academia, media, politics, industry and finance.
At WEF conferences, Klaus Schwab and others openly discuss a plan to meld man and machine through a process called transhumanism, the replacement of human bodies with machine parts, and equipping them with AI (artificial intelligence) augmented human brains.
Global technocrats see this as a necessary next step in transforming the human race into a new species capable of living in harmony with globalist's vision of a sustainable world. They claim that this new transhuman species will demand far fewer resources from Mother Earth (Gaia), and will be capable of extraordinary physical work demands with limited rest.......perfect slaves.
The freedom to make personal choices is hinged on the concept of sovereignty, which cannot exist without the recognition of individuals. Individuals may choose to work with other individuals for a common purpose, but they must retain the right to opt out should the goals of the group destroy the rights of individuals within that group.
Modern globalists recognize collectivism as little more than an intermediate step toward the only truly practical form of absolute control: feudalistic technocracy.
Full Show Notes:
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Full Show Info:
Join us for a view of the future in a police state world controlled by megalomaniacs, Technocrats, robots and Artificial Intelligence... as the world races toward collectivism and a system of top down total control...
Even a limited understanding of history reveals that true socialism eventually degenerates into communism or worse when individual citizens hand over their rights to a collective few with unlimited power.
The technology known as 5G was originally created by the U.S. military for crowd control; with enhanced features that could potentially control our thoughts or even end our lives.
Combine that with a forced vaccination program that allows the introduction of mRNA, microchips and nano technology into the human bloodstream under the rubric of fighting a Covid-19 pandemic, and bingo……….welcome to the New World Order!!
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Saturday Aug 07, 2021
Show Info:
Everything we hear is virtually word for word out of the hymnal of the left, The Communist Manifesto, and we are expected to accept this crap without so much as a challenge to the workability of these monumentally stupid ideas. And, to top it off, we are now hearing this lockstep message from the CCP and Marxist controlled lamestream media and taxpayer funded Frankfurt School American academia.
Many of you ask "how does this promotion of collectivism fit within the framework of Agenda 21/2030", the 1619 Project, BLM, ANTIFA, Critical Race Theory, WOKE, transgenderism, transhumanism and the countless other movements meant to slice, dice, separate and Balkanize our once coherent national identity. My response is "perfectly", since they were inspired by the same sinister playbook: The Communist Manifesto.
Every President since George HW Bush has promoted these Marxist/Globalist programs until the much hated by the establishment President Donald Trump pulled us out of the UN Paris Climate Accords in 2017. With the very questionable residential selection of China Joe Obiden in 2020 the pro Marxist "New World Order" GREEN program is back on track.
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
ENEMIES WITHIN- the war against truth and freedom
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
As we begin 2020 we see the outright panic and urgency in the actions of the globalists and their Marxist ideologues/toadies in government and the downstream media.
Donald Trump is the first truly populist president elected for well over a century, and represents a very real threat to their plans for a global Marxist/technocratic totalitarian government scheduled to be fully in place by 2030. This has led to the most outrageous behavior by the forces aligned against American sovereignty and the concept of liberty, private property, and freedom of choice that are the cornerstones of American exceptionalism and the foundation of our constitutional republic.
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
THE UTOPIAN FANTASY - putting frosting on a turd and calling it Angel Food !
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Isn't it amazing that stupid ideas like Marxism and communism can fail over and over again and still have the undying support of the useful idiots on the left who whitewash the failures and rebrand them as successes? Karl Marx the father of "the communist manifesto" was the poster child of hypocritical idealism, allowing several of his children to die of starvation and malnutrition while he galavanted around Europe living large on other people's money. The facts of Marxism just don't, and never will, square with the Utopian vision painted by the "anointed" of the left. Try as they may, the facts of socialism just don't square with the Utopian vision and false accolades of benevolent and nurturing bureaucrats controlling our lives.
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
WAKE UP AMERICA - taking the Red Pill of reality !
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
The reality of 2019 America is a world of fake news, illusion and attacks of the concept of individual liberty. Collectivism is being sold as the new norm. Collectivism is a failed idea that has always led to governmental control of every aspect of the lives of its citizens and has been the template for the most egregious civil rights abuses and mass murdering regimes in world history. When are humans going to start learning from their mistakes and awaken to the reality of a world of the many controlled by the few? When are we going to finally appreciate the concept of liberty that can only occur under a system of government that protects and promotes individualism, and recognizes that collective rights are essentially no rights?