Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
Tuesday Nov 13, 2018
The level of outright fraud and corruption of the rule of law in last week's midterm election could go down as the undeniable turning point in U.S. electoral integrity. We no longer can expect legitimate election results because of rampant voter fraud typical of third world and totalitarian countries.
The concept of representative democracy was intended by our founders to be a very limited democracy because they understood that a republic form of government and absolute democracy were incompatible. As classical thinkers they understood that a constitutional republic exists to protect the rights of all citizens including minorities through rule of law, while democracy in it's purest form is quite literally mob rule and is best represented by communist and totalitarian countries who own and control all forms of media and claim to represent the majority. Elections are usually rigged in favor of the oppressor, and sold as pure democracy representing the people. The power elite tell the ill informed through the controlled media that the state will provide for all their needs by redistribution of wealth and claim legitimacy by the manipulation of the ballot box. As Joseph Stalin famously quoted "it's not the people who vote that count. It's the people who count the votes".
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
Tuesday Nov 06, 2018
This week we will be revisiting the “fundamental transformation” of America’s electrical energy infrastructure with the stated goal of ending coal fired electrical generation by the Obama Administration and his expressed intent to replace it with much less reliable and more costly ”green” alternatives such as wind and solar. We will also discuss the significant reduction of hydroelectric power generation through nationwide dam destruction and removal efforts promoted by Big Green environmental groups lobbying Congress and Administrative Agencies with the stated purpose of restoring all streams and rivers in America to their pre-Columbian natural state, despite overwhelming evidence that supports hydroelectric as the most cost effective and reliable source for clean energy in existence.
America has historically had the cleanest and most reliable power generation in the world. Legitimate science has proven that anthropogenic (man caused) CO2 accounts for much less than one percent of all sources for CO2 worldwide, most sources being natural and beyond man’s control. China, India, and third world sources of pollution are virtually uncontrolled, and the cost to average Americans of radically reducing or eliminating anthropogenic greenhouse gasses would be exorbitant and accomplish absolutely nothing but the destruction of the middle class.
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday morning’s radio program will focus on the Trump economic recovery and the key role the Federal Reserve System will play. Will Fed policies support the continued strong economic recovery, or alternatively, will their policies undermine the market based economic policies being promoted by President Trump?” There is little doubt by many that the Federal Reserve System is a key player in the Deep State system that is moving America inexorably into the Marxist/socialist “New World Order” of global governance. Since the Federal Reserve Act was signed into law we have moved from an asset based monetary system controlled by Congress to a debt based system controlled by unelected private bankers that literally own our nation and its assets.
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
BUYING THE VOTE IN MONTANA how to steal a national Senatorial election!
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
Thursday Oct 25, 2018
The Montana Senatorial campaign of 2006 was the turning point for control of the United States Senate. Democrat Jon Tester won the seat over 3 term incumbent Republican Senator Conrad Burns when the DNRC spent massive amounts of cash on a very divisive campaign of attack ads and accusations against Burns that were later exposed as lies. Tester won with a very thin margin of victory, so thin that it was claimed by his friend, then Governor Sweitzer, that the victory was only achieved with a mathematically impossible 100% Democratic sweep of Montana’s 7 Indian tribal reservations.
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
The United Kingdom and Europe - a vision for America's future?
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
Wednesday Oct 24, 2018
The United Kingdom and Western Europe has been the subject of social/political experimentation by globalist planners for nearly 100 years. National sovereignty has been sacrificed on the alter of One World socialist/Marxist government, and the New World Order technocrats are having a field day dismantling the great achievements of Western civilization. Their view of a “sustainable world” includes the destruction of industrial society, cultural advances, and Christianity. They see these as impediments to a communist world of control from cradle to grave by intellectual/financial elites that feel they know what’s best for society………especially when they are in charge; totally in charge.
This week's guest is film producer/director, Mark Sutherland. Mark was a key figure in the Brexit movement in the UK, producing and directing Flexcit the Movie: The Definitive EU EXIT Plan. Mark has watched the globalist plans in Europe unfold and sees the many parallels with Deep State American policies and attempts by American Progressives to undermine the Trump Presidency. After the near destruction of the UK and Europe, Mark is warning America of what will happen to American exceptionalism if we don’t support the Trump Administration and make the success of the Mid-Term elections our highest priority.
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
ELECTRO-MAGNETIC PULSE WEAPONS a very real 21st century national security threat
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
Tuesday Oct 16, 2018
This week we will be returning to the subject of electro-magnetic pulse weapons and the lack of security measures taken to harden our electrical grid and high-tech infrastructure against EMP attacks by the enemies of America.
The Russians and Chinese just held the largest joint military exercise in history called Vostok 18 with 300,000 troops, 36,000 tanks and other vehicles, 1,000 aircraft and 80 ships to simulate an attack against NATO and the United States following an EMP attack designed to take down our electrical grids and all communications links needed for defense. The use of EMP weapons is a very real threat to our national infrastructure and is a technology that is quite simple for anyone possessing nuclear weapon capability.
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Why They Hate America understanding communism 101
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
Tuesday Oct 09, 2018
President Donald J. Trump has been keeping his pledge to “Make America Great Again”, creating more jobs and re-energizing the economy in ways that have not happened in over 50 years. He is cancelling bad trade deals that have hamstrung American manufacturing and has stood strong against America’s enemies around the world. He is reinforcing our national sovereignty, focusing on border security, and making it abundantly clear that during the Presidency of Donald J. Trump, America’s interests will truly come FIRST.
Meanwhile the progressive socialists that for the past 100 years have been behind the scenes transitioning America into another failed social experiment living under socialism, or worse yet, communism, are becoming so demented and irrational in their outrage that average Americans are finally starting to realize what Obama’s “fundamental transformation” really means.
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Deep State Dejavu this national suicide has happened before
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
Tuesday Oct 02, 2018
As we watch the destruction of traditional American institutions and values it is impossible not to question the motives and political agenda of supposedly patriotic elected public leaders who are promoting ideas and policies that are openly Marxist.
Since we supposedly won the cold war the number of nations falling under the pall of communist and socialist control has nearly doubled, and we are now the number 1 trading partner of The People's Republic of China,the largest and most powerful communist country in the world.
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
SUSTAINABLE DEEP STATE wading around in the D.C. swamp
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
Tuesday Sep 25, 2018
The political climate in America and around the world is getting more destructive and radical by the day. Progressive socialists and Marxists have controlled the American Media for decades and have been promoting the most anti-constitutional radical agenda imaginable. Truth and common sense protection of our civil society, property rights and liberty have become distant memories in the deep state world of globalist social planners.
Every possible opportunity to create conflict between social, racial, religious, political and gender groups has been employed by socialist planners in an effort to create chaos within our society…….all the while claiming to save us from ourselves and promote "social justice". The Deep State is synonymous with Marxist/communist/socialist government control of every aspect of our personal lives and is the progenitor of the sustainability movement and UN Agenda 21.
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
DEEP STATE INSIGHT - wading around in the D.C. swamp
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Tuesday Sep 18, 2018
Join us for a look at the D.C. swamp from the perspective of two national security insiders working with the Trump Administration. Deep state bureaucrats, mostly of the socialist and communist mindset now control much of our national government, both elected and appointed, and threaten the very fiber of our constitutional republican system of government. President Trump has committed to restoring the American republic and "making America great again" which represents the greatest threat that globalists have faced in 100 years. Like a cancer they have been destroying us from within, their ultimate goal being the end of American sovereignty and our capitalist system.
The cornerstone of our American system of government is the right of individuals to life liberty and private property. The Deep State would end all free choice and substitute collective rights for individual rights under the ruse of social justice. Learn from two insiders how we can begin to identify, expose, and remove the cancer of Marxism/socialism that has hijacked our US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and now occupies many key offices within the government.
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
ENEMIES OF THE REPUBLIC elected and appointed
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
Tuesday Sep 11, 2018
This week our broadcast will focus on the corruption of elective office and the militarization of federal land agencies for enforcement of Draconian laws that attack traditional American property rights. Under the misnamed Patriot Act government agencies were given powers never conceived by the founders. Government became the master and citizens the servant. Combine that with elected officials that ignore or openly reject their constitutional oath to defend liberty and you have the poison of progressive socialism and the communization of America in the 21st century.......Obama's "fundamental transformation of America".
Our guests this week are Trevor Loudon and Chris Kortlander, both experts on the subject of stolen elections and the hijacking of America by The Enemies Within. Both guests have done significant research on Jon Tester that that they want to share with the voters of Montana.
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
The New World Order ending local elected government
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
Tuesday Sep 04, 2018
One the key targets of world government is local elected representative government. Under UN Agenda 21 policies replacing local elected leaders with appointed regional bureaucrats, often recruited from radical environmental organizations or from academians with radical leftist (Marxist/socialist) ideologies becomes a top priority. The cornerstone of our American system of government is the right of individuals to life liberty and private property.
Our founders had the wisdom to realize that our rights under natural law flowed from God to the individual, from the individual to local elected government, then to State elected government and finally to National government. Bottom up, not top down, and always with the understanding that government existed with the sole purpose of protecting the unalienable rights of individuals as outlined by our US Constitution and Bill of Rights.
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
VAXXED - the truth about infant vaccination programs
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
Thursday Aug 30, 2018
On this special program we will cover the movie VAXXED, that promises to blow the lid off the CDC cover-up of research exposing the direct link between the early childhood/infant vaccine for measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and the exponential increase in early childhood autism. Movie Producer and investigative medical journalist, Del Bigtree, will explain the intellectual journey that he and the movie's Director, Dr. Andy Wakefield, took in the process of making VAXXED.
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Human Trafficking- slavery in the 21st century
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Tuesday Aug 28, 2018
Our guest will be Elizabeth Yore, an attorney and researcher that has spent much of her professional career exposing the very tragic world of child pornography, human trafficking and missing children. Her most recent expose’ on my Connecting the Dots radio program includes the world of Pope Francis, the first openly socialist/Marxist Pontiff who fully embraces globalism and a form of radical environmentalism that stretches biblical compatibility to the breaking point. This promises to provide a look down the rabbit hole that will be a real eye opener. Please join us and share this information with your email and social media contacts.
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
The "Reintroduction" of the Predators and the threat to Farms and Ranches
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday Aug 21, 2018
Tuesday’s program will examine the misrepresented “reintroduction” of Canadian Gray wolves into the Yellowstone National Park aka Yellowstone International Biosphere during the Clinton Administration and the subsequent harm on western farming and ranching families that are at the center of the debate over grazing rights on public lands. Our guests will be Bob Fanning and Dr. Valerius Geist, and the subject will be the proposed introduction of these same apex predators into the highly populated state of Colorado and the presence of a particularly virulent strain for parasite known as Echinococcus Granulosis carried by these wolves that are a serious threat to humans and domestic animals as well as native game species. We will connect the dots between these radical large predator reintroductions and the destruction of traditional small farming and ranching operations that are dependent on grazing leases on public lands.
There is absolutely no justification for these radical apex predator policies, especially when there are known public health dangers and such enormous consequences for animal husbandry and rural American lifestyles. Hear from two leading experts on the history and ecological consequences of a Federal policy known as Apex Predator Re-introduction that started as the brainchild of the radical environmentalist founder of Earth First, Dave Foreman. This important radio broadcast will help you to Connect the Dots between radical environmentalism and the attacks on rural America that are destroying our way of life and our tradition of strong private property rights and freedom from tyranny.
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Educating in America for a sustainable New World Order-The Trojan Horse
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
I will be interviewing Special Advisor to the President for The U.S. Department of Education, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, on the subject of American Education and the ongoing communization of American education through International, federal and state mandated learning standards that destroy the concepts of individualism and promote collectivist work training programs meant to end the concept of classical liberal education. She will be talking about some seemingly conservative organizations that have been promoting communist education to work training programs that are at the heart of re-education efforts by communist organizers worldwide. We will look at the long history of collectivist/Marxist/socialist reforms to our classical liberal education systems with tax-exempt foundation money paying the way. Charlotte will expose a Trojan Horse within the conservative movement that claims to be the savior of our constitutional republic as they openly promote collectivist ideas that will destroy liberty.
America spends exponentially more per student on education and has some of the lowest standards in the developed world. We continue to support programs and standards that are destroying our ability to be the beacon of freedom and openly promote ideas that are antithetical to small r republican government. As a Special Advisor to The Department of Education under Reagan, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt has a unique ring side seat perspective of the forces shaping modern American education, and is not afraid to tell Americans the truth about the Trojan Horses within American civil society that intend to end American exceptionalism. We need to end the Federal Department of Education and return the system to local and state control where standards can be measured objectively, and we need to expose the forces within our society that have been working for many generations to destroy America.
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Inside the attacks on our traditional American Institutions
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday Aug 07, 2018
Tuesday’s program will be another look at Deep State politics, the “fundamental transformation of America”, and the forces behind the push for socialist/Marxist global government. Our guest will be Chuck Floyd, a national security expert who is currently working with the Trump Administration on the design/project management of the border wall and hear his first person experience dealing with the “Deep State” political forces at work within our government. Chuck Floyd has testified many times before Congress on national security matters and was in charge of US State Department Embassy Security program during the George W. Bush Administration.
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
The Systematic Forced Organ Harvesting in China
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Tuesday Jul 31, 2018
Mitchell Nicholas Gerber is an entrepreneur and activist from Johannesburg, South Africa, who has dedicated over 17 years to help expose The systematic Forced Organ Harvesting in China. He is the advocacy director for StopOrganHarvesting.Org and works closely with the former Secretary of State for Asia-Pacific ,Hon. David Kilgour Esq., as well as, 2018 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee and award winning China investigator, Ethan Gutmann. Together they are making history in exposing The Chinese Communist regime's mandated forced live organ harvesting genocide against Falun Gong practitioners and others for the last 18+ years in China. These prisoners of conscience have been sent to State mandated Hospitals; their organs cut out of their bodies while ALIVE; the organs then are sold for large profit and their bodies are burned to remove the evidence in the boiler room ovens.
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
The Fundamental Transformation of America part 2
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
Tuesday Jul 24, 2018
We will take a much closer look at the Deep State actors at the center of this “fundamental transformation” of America from a free market, constitutional republic to a global system of total control from cradle to grave. America in the 21st Century is facing the political reality that we have nearly lost our nation to the forces of Marxism and communism that have been hard at work attacking traditional American institutions from within, all the while pretending to die with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the former Soviet Union. Communism is stronger today in America than at any time in history and now permeates every agency and aspect of the Washington D.C. swamp. With the election of Donald J. Trump, the Deep State players lost control of the single party scam known as Democrat/Republican politics, and for the first time in many decades do not totally control the office of the President of The United States. The “fundamental transformation of America” which started more than a century ago and was very nearly completed under Barack Obama, stumbled on November 8, 2016, and has been staggering ever since. Hear from two very informed researchers and experts in the globalist war against the humanity known as The New World Order.
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
The Fundamental Transformation of America part 1
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
Tuesday Jul 17, 2018
America in the 21st Century is facing the political reality that we have nearly lost our nation to the forces of Marxism and communism that have been hard at work attacking traditional American institutions from within, all the while pretending to die with the fall of the Berlin Wall and the former Soviet Union. Communism is stronger today in America than at any time in history and now permeates every agency and aspect of the Washington D.C. swamp. With the election of Donald J. Trump, the Deep State players lost control of the single party scam known as Democrat Republican politics, and for the first time in many decades do not totally control the office of the President of The United States. The “fundamental transformation of America” which started more than a century ago and was very nearly completed under Barack Obama, stumbled on November 8, 2016, and has been staggering ever since. Hear from two very informed researchers and experts in the globalist war against the humanity known as The New World Order.