Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Sunday Feb 16, 2020
Connecting the Dots between radical environmentalism and the expansion of global communism is a very simple process. Read the benchmark publication by the Club of Rome "Limits to Growth" and it becomes much easier to link the promoters of global collectivist government with the so-called green revolution. Communist ideology is a signature component of most environmental NGOs. They generally equate capitalism and economic development to the destruction of the natural world, while promoting unlimited government control of human activity from cradle to grave and eugenics as the panacea to save "Mother Earth" from total environmental devastation.
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
RED CHINA & ORGAN HARVESTING - exposing life behind the red curtain!
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
Sunday Feb 09, 2020
The People's Republic of China has become the darling of globalists and progressive socialist/Marxists worldwide, and has benefitted greatly from the transfer of manufacturing and technology from Capitalist countries of the West by appointed and elected political leaders sympathetic to Marxist theories of wealth transfer. Although "liberalization" of Chinese society has created a whole new class of financial elites, it is important to understand that loyalty to communist ideology is a must if you want to be allowed to succeed in their controlled society. We recently exposed the Chinese Social Credit System being put in place by technology giant Google on behalf on the ruling communist oligarchy. Companies like Google have no loyalty to any American ideals or values other than the accumulation of wealth and have put in place a system of control in China that will be the blueprint for America and the rest of the world.
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
WHY BORDER SECURITY MATTERS- national sovereignty = national security
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
Sunday Feb 02, 2020
The Democratic Party and much of the “establishment” Republican Party are closet or openly Marxist/progressive socialists and believe fervently in international socialism and global government. President Donald Trump ran and won on a platform of America First and understands that American exceptionalism cannot exist within their Marxist utopian control grid. He understands that secure national borders are the number one target of the Marxist progressives, representing the last bulwark against globalism. If we cannot control our borders we cannot defend our national sovereignty…..it’s that simple.
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
Sunday Jan 26, 2020
If you wish to hear about the greatness and majesty of our American republic, don't expect to get it from our American progressive elected or appointed political class. They are more likely to tell you that our founding fathers were nothing more than a collection of priveledged white racist, bogoted homophobes who destroyed all that was good and left us a legacy of oppression to be and treated with contempt. They will tell you about all the wonderful promises of utopian socialism and how fairness can only be acheived when you give the power to an omnipotent paternal government to take from some to give to others until they acheive a perfect society.
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
MASTERING THE COMMUNIST DIALECTIC- the progressive Democrat strategy!
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Sunday Jan 19, 2020
Joseph Stalin and V.I. Lenin were masters at a technique known as the communist dialectic. It was a propaganda technique used to destroy their opposition with a barrage of lies that accused their opposition of doing exactly what the accusers were doing, all the while masking their own actions. If there is any lesson to be learned from the first 3 years of the Trump presidency, it is that progressive Democrats have learned much from their communist mentors about dialectic politics and are more than willing to destroy a duly elected president and our constitutional republic to accomplish their goal of Marxist world government.
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
THE BATTLE AHEAD- preserving the right to keep and bear arms!
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Sunday Jan 12, 2020
Recently, the Commonwealth of Virginia and the State of Washington under liberal Democratic control, openly declared war against the 2nd Amendment and are moving rapidly to end or greatly impair the cherished American right to keep and bear arms.
The Second Amendment was not inserted into the Constitution to guarantee the right to hunt. It was always meant to guarantee that tyranny by big government could never destroy the liberty of the common man by assuring the right of individual self protection. The right to keep and bear arms is nothing less than the right to protect oneself from the tyranny of the state, especially the heavily armed and omnipotent state.
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
ENEMIES WITHIN- the war against truth and freedom
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
Sunday Jan 05, 2020
As we begin 2020 we see the outright panic and urgency in the actions of the globalists and their Marxist ideologues/toadies in government and the downstream media.
Donald Trump is the first truly populist president elected for well over a century, and represents a very real threat to their plans for a global Marxist/technocratic totalitarian government scheduled to be fully in place by 2030. This has led to the most outrageous behavior by the forces aligned against American sovereignty and the concept of liberty, private property, and freedom of choice that are the cornerstones of American exceptionalism and the foundation of our constitutional republic.
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
COP25 - losers and fanatics on display
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Sunday Dec 29, 2019
Make no mistake about it, climate alarmism is intended to do one thing, use fear to convince everyone to give up all their freedoms and rights to property in the name of saving themselves from catastrophic destruction, all the while embracing collectivism. Collectivism (communism and socialism) has historically failed because Marxist technocrats are lousy at understanding human nature and always end up using force to make others accept their brilliant plans...........naturally for our own good.
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Sunday Dec 22, 2019
Dan's scheduled guests for this evening were just on their way back to the states from the COP25 conference in Madrid, Spain and asked if they could come on next Sunday instead of this evening. In lieu of tonight's scheduled guests, Thumper and Dan discuss Agenda 21, along with a replay of a very educational presentation on Agenda 21, and a brief discussion on the 2nd Amendment that is under severe attack in many areas of our country.
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
Sunday Dec 15, 2019
A 100+ years of increasingly controlled media owned by a power elite that are masters of deception, has created a very false reality and a world vastly different than most people imagine. As we have been exposing for the past 4 years on Connecting the Dots with Dan Happel, reality is shaped by those in control and the Ministry of Truth is constantly re-writing history to conform with the wishes of those in control of global society. We are becoming a society of intellectual lemmings racing toward our own destruction while those shaping the illusion practice social engineering and other control mechanisms that strip our freedom and force us to live in a world of totalitarian control from above.
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
REVISITING SOUTH AFRICA - a vision of America 2050 !
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Sunday Dec 08, 2019
Over the past 25 years the ANC communist government have increased their attacks on white farmers with open calls for violence. Many elected black leaders in the South African government have called for the murder of white farmers with nary a peep from the same human rights groups that scream for the rights of anyone of color. Is the South African government now the enemy of civilized society? Is South Africa the canary in the coalmine for a worldwide resurgence of communism masquerading as social justice.
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
Sunday Dec 01, 2019
We now live in a false reality; a reality manufactured by the forces of global communism and Marxism that intend to control every aspect of our existence from cradle to grave. The re-writing of most of our history and the re-education of our youth to a collectivist false paradigm has taken over 100 years to accomplish. Patience and a sense of resolve has allowed the forces of evil to create a false narrative that most Americans not only believe, but will vehemently defend as undeniable fact.
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
SEPARATION OF CHURCH & STATE - what the Founders really intended!
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
Sunday Nov 24, 2019
The debate over separation of church and state has been raging for many decades while the Christian Church has allowed a totally foreign interpretation of the original intent to shape public policy. This has led to a deconstruction of the fundamental truths that are at the very core of justice and rule of law for our great republic. What was the original intent of the separation of church and state as intended by the Founding Fathers, and what role did natural law and the Bible play in the founding documents and our republican form of government?
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
FOLLOWING THE MONEY TRAIL - how liberty was stolen by the banking elite!
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
Sunday Nov 17, 2019
The surest way to destroy a modern industrial society is to hi-jack and then destroy the monetary system of that society through policies that steal the productive wealth of the citizens through a system of perpetual debt and unlimited credit. Eventually that society would become so totally indebted that it would be impossible to keep the economy afloat and the people in charge of the monetary system would be able to steal the assets and productive capacity of the citizens through a slight of hand known as The Mandrake Mechanism that no more than a few people truly understand.
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Revelation - Dawn of Global Government
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Sunday Nov 10, 2019
Dan was unable to do a program this weekend, due to the 2 day Red Pill Expo in Mesquite Nevada. But he was able to contact the producers of the Movie - Revelation - Dawn of Global Government and get permission to play this for his viewers instead. We have the audio from the Movie that you can listen to here, but if you would like to see the Movie please click here
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
THE UTOPIAN FANTASY - putting frosting on a turd and calling it Angel Food !
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Sunday Nov 03, 2019
Isn't it amazing that stupid ideas like Marxism and communism can fail over and over again and still have the undying support of the useful idiots on the left who whitewash the failures and rebrand them as successes? Karl Marx the father of "the communist manifesto" was the poster child of hypocritical idealism, allowing several of his children to die of starvation and malnutrition while he galavanted around Europe living large on other people's money. The facts of Marxism just don't, and never will, square with the Utopian vision painted by the "anointed" of the left. Try as they may, the facts of socialism just don't square with the Utopian vision and false accolades of benevolent and nurturing bureaucrats controlling our lives.
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
A WAR AGAINST PRIVATE PROPERTY- the deep state war on rural America.
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
Sunday Oct 27, 2019
At the UN Earth Summit in Rio De Janeiro in 1992 a program of sustainable development known as UN Agenda 21 was introduced to an unsuspecting world. This far ranging UN program called for a complete transformation of society wherein private property, individual liberty, and God given (unalienable) rights would no longer exist and mankind would succumb to a totalitarian one world socialist/Marxist government that would control every aspect of our lives from cradle to grave.Western ranchers natural resource producers are targeted for elimination with virtually all public and private lands in the Western US becoming wilderness. This includes lands that have been owned and worked by the same families for 5 or more generations.
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
Sunday Oct 20, 2019
The Second Amendment was never meant to guarantee the right to hunt or target practice under a controlled political environment. It was always about the right of Americans to protect themselves from an out of control omnipotent federal leviathan such as we are confronting today. Wake up America and join the fight to preserve our great republic.
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
Sunday Oct 13, 2019
The climate change debate is being thrown into hyper-drive by the liberal media, progressive politicians, academia and UN funded organizations pretending to represent the entire scientific community. The level of chicanery involved in the falsification of actual climate records and the manipulation of data has been proven on numerous occasions with the expose' of the Anglia University email records known as climate gate proving beyond a shadow of doubt that data was being ignored, modified and openly falsified to support their preconceived theory that humans were primarily responsible for global warming on a massive scale unheralded in world history.
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
WAKE UP AMERICA - taking the Red Pill of reality !
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
Sunday Oct 06, 2019
The reality of 2019 America is a world of fake news, illusion and attacks of the concept of individual liberty. Collectivism is being sold as the new norm. Collectivism is a failed idea that has always led to governmental control of every aspect of the lives of its citizens and has been the template for the most egregious civil rights abuses and mass murdering regimes in world history. When are humans going to start learning from their mistakes and awaken to the reality of a world of the many controlled by the few? When are we going to finally appreciate the concept of liberty that can only occur under a system of government that protects and promotes individualism, and recognizes that collective rights are essentially no rights?