Connecting the Dots w/Dan Happel
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
Thursday Sep 01, 2022
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The weaponization of Federal Law Enforcement using the SPLC to identify extremists and enemies of the state helps explain why justice is now JUST THEM.
As a God fearing and very patriotic American, I cannot believe the current level of corruption by many so-called leaders who seem hell-bent on destroying our great republic from within. Nor can I believe the rapid decline in our political safeguards so perfectly conceived to advance liberty, self reliance, individual rights and private property………….all things that made America unique and prosperous!
With a fully “integrated” DOD, CIA, FBI, DOJ, and liberal federal funding strings controlling local governments and law enforcement, we are just one pandemic or national /international emergency away from a “fundamental transformation” of America and the rest of the free world into Klaus Schwab's 4th Industrial Revolution/Green World Order, circa 2030.
Don't know what that means; it means a society where Americans are only an insignificant part of a one world totalitarian technocracy dedicated to cradle to grave complete control of the few remaining humans on a green, sustainable planet that grovels at the feet of a power elite group in control of international banking, finance and corporatocracy…….techno feudalism.
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Law & Order In Our Banana Republic
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Thursday Aug 25, 2022
Full Show Info:
The weaponization of Federal Law Enforcement and the IRS represents the greatest single threat to American national sovereignty.
The Mara Lago raid by the FBI under the direction of the O'biden Justice Department clearly illustrates that we have entered a new phase in the weaponization of Federal law enforcement against many law abiding classes of American citizens.
For the past 30+ years treasonous and openly criminal acts by the liberal leftists occupying the White House and their many accomplices within the permanent D.C. swamp (administrative state) have been ignored or covered up by the same FBI and Justice Department that now labels traditional patriotic Americans as “right wing extremists”; targets for prosecution.
Until recently, the weaponization of law enforcement for political persecution was unthinkable in the United States; limited to totalitarian governments and tin pot dictatorships in banana republics. No longer. The entire Democrat Party and the RHINO wing of the Republican Party are now showing their true colors and they are decidedly RED with a bright yellow undertone.
The curtain is completely drawn back to expose their treasonous plan for America: societal destruction and eventual subjugation to the New World Order system they think they'll be part of.
The Deep State must destroy everyone and everything that blocks their path to a Marxist/technocratic one World Government, using any means including weaponized Federal Law Enforcement and the newly expanded and heavily armed IRS to silence any opposition. Trump or anyone resisting world federalism must be destroyed! A weaponized government has truly become the NUMBER ONE THREAT TO AMERICA! Do you understand?
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
AMERICAN GLOBALISTS (surgically removing an international cancer)
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Thursday Aug 18, 2022
Full Show Info:
Guest: Thomas McInerney, Lieutenant General, USAF (ret)Guest: William F. Jasper
With untold wealth, they have learned how to control the political process through bribes, blackmail, coercion and outright fraud. Those they can't buy are made irrelevant to the voters or blackmailed into obedience.
The “good old boys club” of international finance allows only their carefully vetted choices to appear before the voters, often the most corrupt and contemptible within society, because they are also the easiest to control. In America, the 2 party system gives the appearance of choice and radically different ideologies, although behind the scene most eat from the same special interest globalist trough and share a specially protected status under the tutelage of their power elite masters.
The political class are made to think that they are actually part of this elite club, and are reinforced with great wealth and prestige in return for their obedience to the cause of globalism. And, although many claim to be free market capitalists and staunch anti-communists, their voting records often prove otherwise.
Most are waterlogged from years of swimming in the socialist D.C. swamp, purposely ignoring their constitutional oath to defend the U.S. Constitution from all enemies foreign and domestic. Getting re-elected becomes their number one priority because the life of the protected political class is truly exhilarating for those of very limited talent and enormous self importance.
The occasional “statesman” who manages to sneak into the “club” is short lived and powerless in a system so totally corrupt, rotten, and controlled from the inside out.
Isn't it time to stop this madness once and for all? No single person can save America. Dedicated citizens and patriots are the solution to despotic rule and the global police state. Wake up America.
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Thursday Jun 30, 2022
Full Show Info:
Join us for a view of the future in a police state world controlled by megalomaniacs, Technocrats, robots and Artificial Intelligence... as the world races toward collectivism and a system of top down total control...
Even a limited understanding of history reveals that true socialism eventually degenerates into communism or worse when individual citizens hand over their rights to a collective few with unlimited power.
The technology known as 5G was originally created by the U.S. military for crowd control; with enhanced features that could potentially control our thoughts or even end our lives.
Combine that with a forced vaccination program that allows the introduction of mRNA, microchips and nano technology into the human bloodstream under the rubric of fighting a Covid-19 pandemic, and bingo……….welcome to the New World Order!!
Monday Jun 20, 2022
The Method ToTheir Madness
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Monday Jun 20, 2022
Welcome to the New World Oder where man and machine are inseparably joined for the greater good of the Power Elite feudal masters that will own you and every other object on the planet.
The architects of these big plans are the power elite visionaries at the center of too big to fail banking and international finance combined with the heads big business, big tech, big pharma, big agriculture and big government; all wrapped up in a fully WOKE green cocoon of carbon neutral sustainability. They plan to control and own it all, including you and the body you inhabit.
We will have no nations, no borders, no possessions, no free will and no choices of where, when, how and why we live or work. We will be observed, monitored and analyzed by millions of cameras and computers with facial recognition and the ability to sense emotion while our thoughts are transmitted by the nanochips and hardware implanted in what used to be called our brain.
Travel will be non-existent for all but the anointed few who have unparalleled access to everything they could desire. The rest of us will live in human kennels called Mega-Cities where our allotted living quarters will be tailored to suit our station in life or perceived needs, seldom over 100 square feet per person.
Meat and animal products will be permanently off the menu for all but the power elite, replacing our need for protein with insect consumption "for the good of the environment". Every freedom and comfort that we have known will come to an inglorious end for "the common good".
Wednesday May 18, 2022
MAN-GODS being caught up in the ego wars
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022 physiology and our natural genetic state is becoming the ghoulish pastime of Man-God elites wishing to reinvent us.
As we come within a knifes edge of losing the not so secret war on humanity, one needn't look very far to see the who, what, why and how we got here………..we just need to acknowledge the strangling policies of egotistical Man-God one-world technocrats and admit to our lying eyes what we see!
Almost too late to make a difference, Americans are only now beginning to catch on to the globalist plan to destroy individualism and meaningful human rights.
The American "sleeping giant" is finally awakening, but can we effectively resist the New World Order of collectivist totalitarian rule?
Although a significant percentage of Americans have been educated in schools (government indoctrination centers) controlled by Marxist academics and have become the "useful idiots" of the left, most Americans still believe in individual rights, fair play, and some degree of personal responsibility.
Are there enough with the foresight, courage and moral conviction to withstand the globalist onslaught?
The absolute control of humanity as we know it is their ultimate goal.
We must come to terms with that reality and not let the will of a select few control the future of the planet.
Wake up America and put an end to this globalist nightmare by opposing their tyranny.
Stay Informed:
Saturday May 14, 2022
THE WAR AGAINST PUTIN - the globalists vs Putin
Saturday May 14, 2022
Saturday May 14, 2022 something stinks in Ukraine and it smells a lot more like Obama, Biden, Pelosi, Clinton, Bush and DARPA than Putin.
The Russia/Ukraine conflict as reported by the useful idiots of the lamestream media and our own duly selected “dear leader”, China Joe Obiden, paints Putin and Russia as the epitome of evil, hell bent on killing as many innocent Ukrainians as possible in a very irrational and helter skelter way.
Has the United States been intentionally pulling the Tiger's tail by corrupting and manipulating the political process in Ukraine and in other former territories of the Soviets?
Will we ignore the many lessons of the past decade and suddenly believe the same people that have done everything possible to demonize God fearing, flag waving, patriotic Americans as right wing extremists?
Didn't we spend the last 20 years fighting a war that was ill conceived and unwinnable, costing 9 trillion dollars, 4,500 American, and nearly 1,000,000 Iraqi and Afghani lives; against an enemy more entrenched and radicalized than ever?
Is DARPA funding an entire bio-weapons industry in Ukraine that is illegal under international treaty and for that reason can't operate within the United States?
Is Hunter Biden's cushy position with Burisma Holdings, and Papa Joe's video bragging about his role in firing the Ukrainian Prosecutor too big a story for the lamestream media to laughingly refer to it as Russian disinformation?
Why should Americans give a rat's ass about Ukraine's border security when our own feckless politicians leave U.S. borders wide open to limitless illegal immigration, human trafficking, & a endless war in drugs? (stop the rape tree's)
I know that there are many of my listeners that buy the lamestream media story about this being a fight for freedom by an abused and downtrodden people, but what if it is something entirely different and our “leaders” in the District of Criminals are working frantically to cover up their financial shenanigans and DARPA funded clandestine bio-weapons labs in a key part of the former Soviet Union?
Something smells fishy about this whole frenzy to get America embroiled in another senseless war that is none of our business.
Stay Informed!
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Human Pawns of Illegal Immigration
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Tuesday May 10, 2022
Full Show Info:
Illegal immigrants have become pawns in a very evil chess game to destroy nation states and move us into world government.
Illegal immigration affects everyone, and although there are enormous social and economic costs for everyone, they don't begin to compare with the immorality of using human beings as pawns in a global chess game to destroy sovereign nations while promoting totalitarian world government.
We all know that America is a land of immigrants. Our strength is in our diversity; not the convoluted social progressive diversity touted by leftist revolutionaries like Obama, Harris and Obiden, but the diversity of individuals willing to risk everything for the freedom to succeed by the sweat of their brow in a land of limitless opportunities.
They wanted to be Americans because of the opportunity and freedom that only the American republic afforded.
the International Power Elite are using unlimitedimmigration to destroy national sovereignty and move the whole world into their socialist/Marxist/feudalist New World Order. With the willing assistance of progressive lap dogs and the other politically correct useful idiots that refuse to think with their brain, immigration has become the bane of humanity and an important tool for Globalists.
Who are the real losers in this Power Elite chess game? Just about everyone except the guys at the top pulling the strings and making big money off everybody's personal misery.
This is definitely not the America that made us the envy of the world. Wake up America before globalists destroy what made America great!
Stay Informed
Sunday May 08, 2022
THE GOD COMPLEX understanding the Globalist mindset
Sunday May 08, 2022
Sunday May 08, 2022
Full Show Info:
We have become pawns in a very evil game of human control through Directed Evolution and Experimental Evolution programs.
Alarm bells should be clanging around the world as these "man/gods" openly talk about the need to improve humanity with the wondrous new tools available for a select group of the "enlightened ones" to alter human physiology through "directed evolution" and "experimental evolution" programs that they conceive, create and control.
Not only do they openly express their contempt for God's natural evolution and humanity in general, they feel they have the right and duty to alter human physiology in ways that suit their view of the purpose of mankind and all other aspects of God's creation.
If we give them the power to control evolution, they will have the power control the future of mankind.
Life and death decisions are now being made by men of exceedingly low character and limitless self esteem.
After reducing human populations to levels the power elite consider sustainable (between 500 million and a billion people) the remainder must be completely controllable with the application of technology (transhumanism) that is evolving under their careful tutelage.
And naturally, the same useful idiots and high IQ nitwits in government, academia and media that have served their power elite masters for generations, will continue to protect and serve them until their usefulness is no more.
Friday Apr 22, 2022
WORLD WAR DARPA - an update from Europe
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Friday Apr 22, 2022
Full Show Info:
When it comes to political intrigue and corruption nothing seems to outdo American “intelligence” agencies and DARPA.
Every time there is a major crisis or international intrigue, we find that American political leaders, intelligence agencies, or both, are involved right up to their eyeballs.
Our guest George Webb is in Europe as an investigative journalist trying to expose the truth about DARPA funded bio-labs scattered around Ukraine and the rest of Europe.
Are the reported 30 DARPA funded biolabs in Ukraine for real?
Is Putin and the Russian military the aggressive bully that they are portrayed in the mainstream media, or are they merely trying to stop a threat posed by gene specific biological weapons developed by DOD/DARPA over 3 decades...
For the first time in history tinkering by the power elite promises to wipe humanity off the Earth. Biological weapons of war have become so lethal and plentiful that we can no longer state with any certainty that the future is secure.
To make matters worse, these "thought leaders" have joined the ranks of global elites that see the whole of humanity as their private playground to experiment and tinker with to the brink of total annihilation.
At the center of this giant cluster...k are our own DOD/DARPA institutions, spreading their wealth of unthinkable horrors to secret weapons labs scattered all over the world.
Our guest George Webb has spent years peeling away the layers of the military industrial complex/political onion to expose the rotten core.
In 2014 he made the connection between clandestine government operations and the 1,000 + government insider held Blackberry devices used for illegal covert communication.
His latest expose' World War DARPA covers decades of off-the-books U.S. programs that make the world a much more dangerous place by recklessly amping up international intrigue.
Meanwhile, the same intellectual giants that created DARPA are giving America's ideological enemy China, the economic keys to the kingdom, using China's rapidly expanding economic influence and power as a reason for even more off-the-books projects by DARPA.....cause, reaction, solution; the ultimate Hegelian Dialectic.
One thing we should know by now; whatever we hear and see coming out of the lamestream press and other public sources is probably nonsense, so let's keep our brains engaged until we can learn the truth!
Monday Apr 18, 2022
RUSSIA/UKRAINE - reality vs illusion
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Monday Apr 18, 2022
Full Show Info: smells fishy about this whole frenzy to get America embroiled in another senseless war that is none of our business.
I know that there are many of my listeners that buy the lamestream media story about this being a fight for freedom by an abused and downtrodden people, but what if it is something entirely different and our “leaders” in the District of Criminals are working frantically to cover up their financial shenanigans and DARPA funded clandestine bio-weapons labs in a key part of the former Soviet Union?
The Russia/Ukraine conflict as reported by the useful idiots of the lamestream media and our own duly selected “dear leader”, China Joe Obiden, paints Putin and Russia as the epitome of evil, hell bent on killing as many innocent Ukrainians as possible...
Will we ignore the many lessons of the past decade and suddenly believe the same people that have done everything possible to demonize God fearing, flag waving, patriotic Americans as right wing extremists?
Did they recently have a “come to Jesus” moment, or do the same old liars really believe that they can just gin up another senseless war to distract Americans from their endless failures in every other aspect of our daily lives?
Before we jump headlong into another false flag military operation that could blow up in our faces, wouldn't it be wise to look at all the facts before making such a momentous decision?
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Social Credits = Total Societal Control
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Sunday Apr 17, 2022
Full Show Info:
Technology and monetary policy has synthesized into a control grid network known as the social credit system.
The ideological foundation of Globalism makes no pretense of fidelity to any doctrine other than absolute control and uncontested power.
It is a control grid system without conscience or moral constraint.
Understand that David Rockefeller and many ultra wealthy globalist bankers and power brokers have long envisioned a human herd that can be controlled from cradle to grave by a handful of the enlightened ultra rich.
In their twisted view of utopian society, humans are little more than semi-intelligent livestock to be managed and culled at the whim of the power elite.
Humans are to be allowed to live or die at their pleasure, and our sole purpose is to serve the handful of enlightened masters who claim to know what is best for the planet.
The technology known as 5G will supplant the surveillance state with technology originally created by the U.S. military for crowd control; with enhanced features that could potentially control our thoughts.
Supplant that with a forced vaccination program that allows the introduction of microchips and nano technology into the human bloodstream under the rubric of fighting a Covid-19 pandemic, and bingo……….welcome to the New World Order!!
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Discovering Reality
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Full Show Info:
As the world teeters on the edge of another planned disaster one has to wonder where reality begins and ends.
Who is creating our perception of reality, and what is the end goal for these deceivers of humanity. It appears that the end goal is stealing our souls, then erasing humanity from the face of the earth.
The science fiction movie The Matrix was considered really far fetched in 1997 when it first debuted, but was it actually much closer to reality than we ever imagined?
Is the Matrix real and our comfortable perception of life on earth all wrong?
The one thing we know for sure is that the mainstream media, academia, and the political establishment have fed us a steady diet of false realities for so long that we have not the slightest idea where truth begins or ends.
So, what is truth and reality? Truth and reality are so frightening that few will be willing to accept them, even when confronted with their own extermination for failing to react. Those who shape our reality know this and find it to be a useful tool for the ongoing control over us.
WAKE UP AMERICA and save humanity before it is too late!
Connecting The DotsStay Informed
The Power of Nitric Oxide:
Friday Mar 11, 2022
A Talk with George Washington (Pastor Mark Collins)
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Friday Mar 11, 2022
Are we being herded like sheep into the "new world order" of lockstep obedience...
...through radical environmentalism, Marxism, technocracy and anti-humanism promoted by a small group of powerful men that have assumed the right to control humanity and to eliminate through any means at their disposal those who oppose their dystopian plan to reduce the human population to fewer than 1 billion people?
Although many Americans are coming to the informed conclusion that the mainstream media is not the friend of truth seekers, dealing with the establishment media has been a difficult challenge because of the enormous influence they continue to wield on public perception. The news is no longer the is now more likely to be propaganda supporting a political narrative than objective truth. Turn off the TV and rediscover critical thinking.
As we have shown in previous podcasts, a steady diet of fear has converted a society of tough, independent, critical thinkers into a flock of mindless followers. Our Connecting the Dots podcast believes that unreasoned fear is the real virus destroying human society. Only truth and accountability will cure this terrible sickness and save humanity from the clutches of greedy and autocratic men hell-bent on destroying most of humanity and transforming the rest into automatons to serve them.
Connecting The DotsThe Secret of Nitric Oxide - What you need to know.
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Friday Feb 25, 2022
Full Show Notes: goal is and has always been the end to nation states and a transition to a "new world order" under U.N. control.
The United States of America and other so-called Democracies are being vilified by liberal nitwits, while Communist China and virtually all pro-communist and Marxist governments around the world are lauded as praiseworthy political systems despite their extensive histories of economic/environmental destruction, human rights abuses, censorship and genocide against their own citizens and political rivals.
In fact, the whole world is moving rapidly in the same sinister direction with many so-called leaders openly declaring themselves the ultimate authority, in defiance of established laws and constitutions.
Are we really stupid enough to believe that this is all coincidental and not part of a much bigger plan to control humanity? I think not!
Guest: Edward Goodliffe is the Speaker of Congress for Freedom Force International and is a promoter of individual liberty.Guest: Dr. Harry Booyens is an internationally recognized, multiple award winning PhD Defense & Aerospace physicist.
-------------------------------------------------------------------You should know about what nitric oxide can do...
Friday Feb 18, 2022
CENSORSHIP the end of free speech
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Friday Feb 18, 2022
Full Show Notes:
Free speech is such an important part of America that most people never considered the possibility that fundamental right might go away.................until recently.
Censorship and total control of humanity is nearly complete. We are nearing the time of irreversibility. Will we react in time?
On this podcast, meet Documentary Film Producer/Director James Jaeger and Independent Researcher/Writer Mary Fanning who have spent decades exposing this takeover through documentary films and written expose's.
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
2022 – will it be a year of renewal or destruction?
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Wednesday Feb 02, 2022
Full Show Notes:
For those who think that a plan is afoot to destroy most of humanity and radically change society......congratulations for being awake.
The power to compute is so advanced that robotics and artificial intelligence are exponentially more capable than most humans can even comprehend.
Every conversation, every email, every computer keystroke and even our facial expressions are being recorded and analyzed.
Humans have become lab rats in a social engineering experiment that started with good intentions, but has gone completely off the rails.
Money and banking has been moving to a completely digital, cashless monetary system that is international in scope and based on a social credit system created for the communist Chinese oligarchs by software giant Google as a model for the entire world.
When this digital monetary system is fully implemented, mankind will be controlled so thoroughly that no one will be able to challenge the established authorities or act as individuals.
In this Podcast episode we talk about the things that are going on in our country. Covid. The fact that it may be a parasite and not a virus. The fact that the things that are the most effective against covid are things that knock down parasites.
We talk about the economy, digital currency, social credit score, central banks, the metaverse and all the things most people don't want to talk about.
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Dr. Evil’s New Toolkit - Redefining Human
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Tuesday Jan 18, 2022
Full Show Notes:
The Human Mind as a Battlefield
Information Warfare
Neurowarfare: Paint a New Reality
Remote Reading & Writing to Your Brain
Technology Used In Medicine
What is Good? For Whose Good?
The use of advancing tools, science, and technology, inclusive of the brain and cognitive sciences, in those initiatives and agendas that can be used in defensive ways, or in some cases, explicitly offensive ways:To decapablize a person, to make them incapable [disable mind & body]
To reduce [disable] their will.To reduce [disable] their willingness [to stick with their value system].To reduce [disable] their cognitive capabilitiesTo reduce [disable] their physical capabilities
Guest: Celeste Solum – is an author, and former FEMA employee and whistleblower. Celeste has studied the World Economic Forum in great detail and will outline the plans for global technocracy and the end to national sovereignty that is part of this plan to control humanity. Full Bio and Links Here
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Vaccines & The Transhumanist Agenda
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Thursday Jan 06, 2022
Full Show Info:
There is a clear connection between the Covid vaccine program and the Transhumanist agenda of the New World Order…
History tells us that technology is usually at least 50 years more advanced than the average person is even aware, mainly to protect the interests of military and other insiders that plan to win the wars................including the war against God and humanity that has been the closely guarded secret of the Power Elite.
And, although the motives of military planners may be patriotic, the motives of the Power Elite are decidedly much more sinister. The military may want to leverage technology to defeat America's enemies, the Power Elite plan to use technology to defeat humanity and change the human race as we know it.
You see, the "PE" see humans as a cancer on the earth and since they are raised to be control freaks from childhood on, think that the "useless eaters" are doing little but depleting the earths limited natural resources. We therefore need to be culled to a manageable level, and the remaining humans must be totally docile, controllable, and disposable at their whim. Ideally, this new race could be part machine so they could do a great deal more work, consume less food, and still have some desirable human characteristics such as compassion and physical attractiveness.
The problem with this whole program is finding a way to get humans to voluntarily accept the introduction of machine and DNA altering technology within their bodies so that the process of man induced evolution can begin.
Guest: John JakE Klyczek - has an MA in English and has taught college rhetoric and research argumentation for over eight years. His literary scholarship concentrates on the history of global eugenics and Aldous Huxley’s dystopic novel, Brave New World. He is the author of School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education (TrineDay Books); and he is a contributor to the Centre for Research on Globalization, the Activist Post, Counter Markets, Blacklisted News, News With Views, The Saker, Rense News, David Icke News, and Natural News.
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Understanding The Big Picture: absolute control one step at a time!
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Wednesday Dec 29, 2021
Full Show Info/Video: is a clear connection of persons, ideas and events that are transitioning America from bastion of freedom to technocratic nightmare.Over the past several months I put together a PowerPoint program culled from a dozen years of Agenda 21/2030 expose's and the constantly unfolding “big ideas” being promoted by globalists and the deep state denizen that have stripped the United States of most of her liberty and moral strength. I was supposed to deliver this PowerPoint lecture at the recent Red Pill Expo in Lafayette, LA, but decided to give my time to another speaker that had been invited to speak by G. Edward Griffin, had spent a great deal of time preparing his presentation, but then somehow was overlooked while preparing the program schedule and agenda.
After 7 years doing terrestrial radio and podcasting with some of the most interesting personalities and intellectuals on the planet, the correlations between people, places, events and motivations become clearer by the day. That's why I named my podcast Connecting the Dots.
We do not need to do anything but print their own words and connect their actions to the mountains of cash that have allowed them to buy their opposition, destroy those who refuse, reshape truth into illusion and create a level of chaos and fear that has allowed them to take control of humanity. It is time to connect all the dots and this program will go a long way toward achieving that goal.
Welcome to my special Christmas Weekend Podcast Presentation and let me help you to Connect the Dots.